P-06-1368 The Welsh Govt should take steps to save the Environmental Information Regulations in relation to Wales, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 31.07.23


Dear Clerk to the Petitions Committee


I am writing in reference to The Welsh Govt should take steps to save the Environmental Information Regulations in relation to Wales - Petitions (senedd.wales).


I am the named Petitioner, acting for a group of students at Cardiff Unversity's School of Land and Politics. 


I need to alert you that, since the Petition was opened, changes to the REUL Bill, now enacted as the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023, have, to an extent, taken the 'sting' out of the Bill as it was and the threat it poses to the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. 


However, the petition remains a very useful exercise and I would hope the Commitee can still consider it.


Particularly, it makes reference to a short report produced by the students, which deals with how the Environmental Information Regulations might be amended to improve them, by and for Wales. 


In order to assist the Committee when it comes to consider this petition later this year, I attach that report and would commend the suggestions and proposals therein to the Committee.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can assist the Committee at any stage.


Yours faithfully


Guy Linley-Adams


Lecturer in Law